Value chain Optimization
We aim to have a strong agribusiness mindset/orientation among value chain actors in general and at production level in particular and synergies and linkages created between actors (producers, service/input providers, traders, retailers, consumers etc.) along selected value chains.
Our objective is to ensure selected optimized value chains positively influence the income of farmers and other actors along these value chains.
Agricultural Entrepreneurship Incubator Project.
It was funded by The Royal Embassy of Netherlands Kenya as a Food Security Initiative for medium scale farmers. The project goal was to develop a business incubation model to be used in unlocking the potential of small and medium sized commercial farms who in Africa have a huge potential to revolutionize agriculture.
The project provided farmers with project management and technical services to increase their efficiency and effectiveness at their farms. Incubator project has impacted positively over 100 farms over the years.
Outreach project .
The project which has been in existing for over 5 years has trained OVER 3,500 pastoralists and local farmers in improved livestock and crop production as well as supported introduction of alternative enterprises including poultry, bee keeping and piggery.
The project has also introduced solar lamps, solar irrigation pumps and Ferro cement water harvesting tanks to hundreds of beneficiaries in the semi-arid counties of Kajiado, Makueni, Machakos and Narok.